Heard howling at the moon are a few new furry friends who will be joining us soon! So, today, we explore Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24W10A alongside the many new wolves it has coming our way.
The variant is determined by the biome they spawn in
Pale Wolf – The familiar Wolf variant that now spawns in the Taiga biome, with a default pack size of 4
Woods Wolf – A variant that spawns in the Forest biome. This will be the dominant Wolf variant that you will be able to find in the Overworld, since the Forest biome is very common
Ashen Wolf – A variant that spawns in the Snowy Taiga biome
Black Wolf – A variant that spawns in the Old Growth Pine Taiga biome, in smaller packs of 2 to 4
Chestnut Wolf – A variant that spawns in the Old Growth Spruce Taiga biome, in smaller packs of 2 to 4
Rusty Wolf – A variant that spawns in a new location for wolves – the Sparse Jungle biome, in smaller packs of 2 to 4
Spotted Wolf – A variant that spawns in a new location for wolves – the Savanna Plateau biome, in larger packs of 4 to 8
Striped Wolf – A variant that spawns in a new location for wolves, the Wooded Badlands biome, in larger packs of 4 to 8
Snowy Wolf – A variant that spawns in the Grove biome. A rare type, that always walks alone
Adjusted spawning conditions for Wolves, allowing them to spawn on Coarse Dirt and Podzol blocks
Adjusted passive mobs spawning in Grove biome to only include Rabbits, Foxes and Wolves
Button tooltips will no longer appear when hovering outside the containing element
Technical Changes
The Data Pack version is now 34
Data Pack Version 34
Recipe results can now specify component data
Added new entity predicate field slots, for matching item slots
Added slot names for ranges, like container.*
Added execute if|unless items to check and count items
Banner Patterns are now data-driven
Changes to Item Stack Component formats
Player Head blocks now store a custom_name tag, which will be copied to and from the item form when broken or placed
The SkullOwner and ExtraType fields in Player Head blocks have been replaced with a profile field, with the same format as the item component
For now, the count field on Item Stacks is always stored again, even if 1
If the field is missing in data, will still fall back to 1
Recipe types crafting_shaped, crafting_shapeless, stonecutting and smithing_transform now accept components for the result item stack
The result field for recipe types smelting, blasting, smoking and campfire_cooking is now an item stack format without a count, which means you’ll need to specify an object with an id field
This result now also accepts components data
Slots Entity Sub-Predicate
New entity field slots allows to check single or multiple slots on any entity
The field contains a map of slot names (same as ones used in item commands) to item predicate
For slot ranges, only one slot needs to match for whole entry to pass
“condition”: “minecraft:entity_properties”,
“entity”: “this”,
“predicate”: {
“slots”: {
“container.*”: {
“items”: “dirt”
Slot Names
Slot names (used in item commands and slots entity predicates) now include slot ranges
Unless specified, existing commands can still only work on single slots
New slot names:
container.* – contains container.0 to container.53
hotbar.* – contains hotbar.0 to hotbar.8
inventory.* – contains inventory.0 to inventory.26
enderchest.* – contains enderchest.0 to enderchest.26
villager.* – contains villager.0 to villager.7
horse.* – contains horse.0 to horse.14
weapon.* – contains weapon.mainhand and weapon.offhand
Note: this includes only player’s inventory crafting slots. Crafting table (or any other slots on other screens) are not included
execute if|unless items command can be used to count items
is the same as one used in item command, i.e.
block <x> <y> <z>
entity <target> (selector can return multiple entities)
<slots> can accept single slot (like container.0) or a range (like container.*)
<item_predicate> is the same as item predicate in clear command
If used alone, it will return total number of items in stacks that match predicates
Banner Patterns
Banner Patterns will now be loaded into a dynamic registry from data packs (data//banner_pattern/)
These entries have two fields:
asset_id (namespaced string) is used to resolve texture locations
e.g. custom:pattern resolves to assets/custom/textures/entity/banner/pattern.png, assets/custom/textures/entity/shield/pattern.png
translation_key (string) is a translation key prefix
e.g. block.minecraft.banner.custom.pattern resolves to block.minecraft.banner.custom.pattern.<dye color>
Item Stack Components
The minecraft:profile component no longer requires the name field to be present
Some additional Item Stack Components now support alternative, simple definitions:
minecraft:profile can be defined as string player name (e.g. profile=”jeb_”)
minecraft:dyed_color can be defined as an integer rgb color (e.g. dyed_color=16711680)
minecraft:attribute_modifiers can be defined as a direct list of modifiers (e.g. attribute_modifiers=[{type:’generic.scale’,uuid:[1,2,3,4],name:’Big!’,amount:1.0,operation:’add_multiplied_base’}])
minecraft:potion_contents can be defined as a single potion id (e.g. potion_contents=”invisibility”)
minecraft:enchantments and minecraft:stored_enchantments can be defined as an inline map of enchantment id to level (e.g. enchantments={sharpness:1})
These are only an alternative for defining the values, they will always be stored in their full formats
All container blocks now use the minecraft:container component when in item form, not just Shulker Boxes
The minecraft:lodestone_target component has been renamed to minecraft:lodestone_tracker
The pos and dimension fields have been moved into a target object
The target field is optional, and if not present, the compass will spin
The maximum number of lore and fireworks entries has been raised to 256
Fixed Bugs In 24w10a
MC-140397 – When combining two enchanted unbreakable items, the result will be two stacked items
MC-157133 – Enchanted books with curses can be stacked using a grindstone
MC-174496 – Player heads lose their name after being placed
MC-217084 – Player head NBT “ExtraType” is no longer saved but doesn’t use DataFixerUpper upgrade path
MC-268392 – Setting gravity attribute to 0.0 kicks player for flying
MC-268462 – Saturation suspicious stew now grants 7 seconds of effect instead of 7 ticks
MC-268800 – All tools have 4 attack damage, and 1.6 attack speed
MC-268801 – Shulker boxes in saved hotbars inconsistently update to item components
MC-268813 – Crash when spawning item with can_break/can_place_on component containing unknown/invalid tag
MC-268824 – Disenchanted books from grindstone don’t stack with books that were in the inventory
MC-268830 – Effect Particles appear when specifying no particles using /effect command
MC-268834 – Vault texture is inconsistent
MC-268842 – Crash when saving world with painting
MC-268845 – Items with can_break/can_place_on components update every time the inventory is changed in creative mode
MC-268850 – Attribute Modifier: Not updated when switching items in hotbar
MC-268851 – Crossbows don’t make a firing sound
MC-268853 – Unable to load paintings for any variants
MC-268856 – Loading shulker box/bundle with a single ‘invalid’ item in it renders the whole component invalid
MC-268864 – An item modifier with a duplicate item stack component prevents the entire data pack from (re)loading, rather than ignoring that one specific item modifier
MC-268877 – Beehives/bee nests in inventory lose honey level after converting to 24w09a
MC-268879 – Having a high damage value breaks and crashes the game
MC-268897 – Cannot select entities who have any itemstack with the count being 1.
MC-268904 – Suspicious stew not giving effects
MC-268921 – Arrows lose particles after unloading world
MC-268971 – Lodestone compass stops being a lodestone compass after breaking its tracked lodestone
MC-269005 – Player heads from previous versions cause game crash and/or are converted incorrectly
MC-269062 – Bundles with “Bundle Contents” component removed return after right clicking
MC-269091 – AttributeModifiers NBT with missing fields is not upgraded correctly to components
How to Install Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24W10A
Installing Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24W10A on Java Edition is as easy as can be! Below, we have detailed the six steps each player will need.
First, open the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots under the “Installations” tab.
Second, click “New Installation” and then “Latest Snapshot” in the drop-down menu.
Third, click “Create,” and a new snapshot installation will be a selectable option before clicking “Play.”
Fourth, select “Create New World” and then “Experimental” once inside the Minecraft client.
Fifth, enable any experimental features you would like to see.
Sixth, click “Done” and then “Create New World” again.
With that, the setup is complete, but please note snapshots can corrupt old worlds! Ensure backups have been taken.
How to Create Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24W10A Servers
At MelonCube Hosting, Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24W10A servers are already available to try! Simply select your desired package, then the snapshot, and your server will be set up instantly following checkout.
Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24W10A Patch Notes
With so many new Wolf variants around, it will be hard to pick which to tame first! But thankfully, there are no limits to the size of the wolf pack you can fit in your home.