
Minecraft 1.20.4 Goes Live: Patch Notes & How to Try

Just two days ago, Minecraft 1.20.3 went live, and now Minecraft 1.20.4 is here for us to try! So, today, we explore Minecraft’s latest update in this rather odd case of Déjà vu. Patch Overview An update released so quickly after the last was quite a surprise! However, after reading the bug, it is understandable… Continue Reading


Minecraft 1.20.3 Goes Live: Patch Notes & How to Try

Alongside a cool winter breeze, a new Minecraft patch flies into the scene! Today, we explore Minecraft 1.20.3, all the features bundled within, and how to create a server to escape the snow with friends. Patch Notes CHANGES Decorated Pots Bat Minor Tweaks TECHNICAL CHANGES Chat components Serialization World Resource Packs Changes have been made… Continue Reading


How to Find the Breeze Mob in Minecraft 1.21

Hidden within chambers of copper and tuff is a mob that will sooner knock you away than put up a direct fight. Today, we explore how to find the Breeze mob in Minecraft 1.21 alongside some tips on how to best stay close as this mob hops around and takes flight. Where to Find Trial… Continue Reading


How to Find Trial Chambers in Minecraft 1.21

A brand new structure is generating throughout the overworld, but why is it so hard to find? Today, we answer that question and explain how to find Trial Chambers in record time. Preparations Before venturing forth into the unknown, there are a few blocks and tools that will be needed to take on the challenge… Continue Reading


Minecraft 1.20.3 Pre-Release 2 Patch Notes

After many exciting snapshots, Minecraft 1.20.3 may soon appear! What a perfect gift to welcome the most festive time of year. So, today, we explore Minecraft 1.20.3 Pre-Release 2, when we expect the update to arrive, and how you too can give it a try. Patch Notes Changes Fixed Bugs In 1.20.3 Pre-Release 2 How… Continue Reading


How to Get the Minecraft Cherry Blossom Cape

Many Minecraft players have taken notice of a pink cape filled with blossoms, but how does one get it? Today, we answer that question and more in our Minecraft cherry blossom cape guide. Bedrock Edition On Bedrock Edition, players obtained the cherry blossom cape during the Minecraft 2023 mob vote the moment they voted or… Continue Reading

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