
The Evolution of DDoS Attacks Against Gaming Servers

Friday night has come, the workweek has passed, and you sit down to enjoy a night of games… only for the servers to be down. Distributed Denial of Service attacks are a frustrating experience that most gamers in the modern age can relate to in some capacity. That big release night, the random weekend, or… Continue Reading


The Biggest Minecraft Announcements of 2021

From unexpected marketplace collaborations to Minecraft Dungeons rolling out update after update, 2021 was full of exciting Minecraft-related announcements. Third-party ones too! Today we will be looking at what we believe are the biggest three announcements of 2021. The Shutdown of Minecraft Earth Early in 2021, we were given the sad news that Minecraft Earth… Continue Reading


Five Must Try Modpacks

The best part of Minecraft Java Edition is its countless modpacks. From adventures in the stars to surviving amongst dinosaurs, there is truly no end to the possibilities. But with so many options, where does one begin? Today we will be exploring five must-try modpacks that we adore. 5. Better Minecraft [Forge] Before diving into the… Continue Reading


Minecraft 1.19: Everything You Need to Know

Minecraft 1.19, The Wild Update, will be the next major step for the series – and expectations are already high! The Wild was first revealed at Minecraft Live 2021, and through the show, we learned a ton of major details about the upcoming update. We even got to see most of these new features in action, and… Continue Reading


Minecraft Snapshot 21w17a Patch Notes

Minecraft is heading toward the first of its two Caves and Cliffs Update patches this Summer, and players can try some of its features early with the new Minecraft Snapshot 21w17a. Here are the Caves and Cliffs features you can enjoy in the latest Minecraft Update, Snapshot 21w17a. Snapshot 21w17a Patch Notes Minecraft’s latest update has arrived,… Continue Reading


Minecraft Caves and Cliffs Update Will Now Come in Two Parts

Minecraft Caves and Cliffs has been the most promising update to the game since the Nether Update, but some new changes have split the update into two different patches. Here’s what you need to know about the Minecraft Caves and Cliffs Update and its new changes Caves and Cliffs Update Release Date Minecraft Caves and Cliffs was split… Continue Reading

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